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History prepares students to be active and aware American citizens; to better understand the people and the world around them; to show respect for all; and most importantly, to gain a better understanding of how Jesus Christ works in the lives of people. History students at ACS will be taught to examine carefully the important social, economic, political, and religious issues of yesterday and today. All of this will be done from a fundamental Christian perspective.


World History

This course will cover a wide range of topics and events in world history.  We will discover how God has been present and influential from the very beginning.  Students will gain a basic understanding of ancient civilizations, including the Fertile Crescent, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and China.  They will also learn about the origin, growth, and development of Christianity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and Reformation periods, and finally conclude the year with the World Wars.  It is our desire that each student would come away from this class with a basic understanding of the outline of world history and, more importantly, a greater appreciation for how God has worked in our world from the beginning of time. Open to grades 9, 10.

AP World History

We will be taking both a chronological and thematic approach to study historical events and their impact. We will also be focusing on continuity and change throughout World History, focusing primarily on AD 1200 to the present day. We will break our study of world history into nine units with an interjection of themes at relevant times in order to grasp a richer understanding of historical events while developing important habits of mind.  Prerequisites:  Semester grade of 90% or better in both semesters of 9th grade English (sophomores), 10th grade English (juniors), or US History (seniors).

Critical Elements of the AP World History Course:
Unit 1: The Global Tapestry c. 1200-1450
Unit 2: Networks of Exchange c. 1200-1450
Unit 3: Land-Based Empires c. 1450-1750
Unit 4: Transoceanic Interconnections c. 1450-1750
Unit 5: Revolutions c. 1750-1900
Unit 6: Consequences of Industrialization c. 1750-1900
Unit 7: Global Conflict c. 1900-present
Unit 8: Cold War and Decolonization c. 1900-present
Unit 9: Globalization c. 1900-present

5 Major Course Themes:
1 - Interaction Between Humans and the Environment
2 – Development and Interaction of Cultures
3 – State Building, Expansion and Conflict
4 – Creation, Expansion, and Interaction of Economic Systems
5 – Development and Transformation of Social Structures


U.S. History

This course stresses the importance of God's hand moving through time. US History is required for all students in the junior year, unless prior arrangements have been made with the administration and the history department. Emphasis will be on units such as the Civil War, Industrialization, the Great Depression, the U.S. in World War I and II, the Cold War, and current issues. This course will stress the importance of many political, economic, social, and religious developments that have shaped our nation. Critical thinking, worksheets, group work, map work, video, current events, and many other aids will be used to motivate the student to pursue excellence in the classroom, in life after high school, and in the race that God has set before us. Open to grade 11.


U.S. Government

This semester course required for seniors deals with: the uniqueness of America, its Christian foundation, and the American Dream; Parliamentary Procedure; Forms of Government; the Constitution of the United States; the Constitution of the State of Illinois; state and local history; contemporary issues and the semester culminates with student participation in a “Mock Congress” project/event. We attempt to develop Christian thinkers in accordance with Biblical principles. The state required constitution tests will be administered in this course. Open to grade 12.



The Bible tells us that we are to be good stewards of all that God has blessed us with.  That is why it is important for us to learn about economics and how it relates to us.  This class involves learning the basics about our economy here in the U.S. and the world, supply/demand, and personal finance.  After this course, students will have a better understanding and appreciation for how God works in all aspects of life, especially our money and resources.  Several topics covered in the area of personal finance include savings, investing, debt, and budgeting. Open to grade 12.


World Geography

World Geography is a semester course designed to provide students with a basic understanding of and interrelationship between physical and human geography. The study of World Geography focuses on the relationships among people, places, and environments that result in geographic patterns on the earth.  Students will develop certain basic geography skills, including map reading and place name identification along with the interpretation of charts and diagrams.


Intro to Psychology

This semester long course will be taught from a Christian perspective, giving the student a historical overview of notable psychologists and their theories. It will also introduce the student to the basic pathology of psychological theories. We will examine such areas as sensation and perception, emotion, motivation, learning, memory, intelligence, and child psychology. Open to grades 11,12.


Business Economics 

Through a Christian worldview, this course will compare and contrast economic systems and the impact they have on local and global economies.  Students will explore concepts and processes associated with business planning, management and marketing, and evaluate leadership qualities and skills necessary for leading a team.  Students will manage and market the Daily Grind as part of this course.