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Core Beliefs

Mission Statement:
As a program, our goal is to glorify Jesus Christ through the game of golf.  We want to honor Him by the way we play the game, the way we conduct ourselves on and off the course, our effort in the classroom, and with our attitudes in all aspects of life.  Through golf, we are working to develop life skills and teaching individuals to excel within the team concept.  

We are striving to develop strong Christian men and women.  Throughout the course of the season, we will be emphasizing several character traits, including:

Work Ethic
Mental Toughness

Through golf, we will experience both successes and failures, and our goal is to learn from and respond positively to both.

We also want to emphasize the team aspect of this great game.  Each individual can choose to make the team better or worse.  We must come together as a family, with each person fulfilling his role so that the whole team benefits.  I Corinthians 12 talks about each part of the body having a specific purpose.  Without all of those parts working together, the body cannot function to the best of its ability.  We want to stress that every player brings necessary elements to the team as a whole.

Golf is a game that should be both competitive and enjoyable.  It is an awesome tool that can be used to develop young people into future leaders of their homes, careers, churches, and much more.

We are trying to do the best we can to build a competitive program that honors Christ and represents Him in all we do.  We will strive to have the best interest of your child in mind at all times, and will be focused on strengthening their relationship with Christ and their teammates.

2 Timothy 1:7 “for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”