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In Aurora Christian volleyball, we seek to first and foremost honor God in all we do.  We are coaching and preparing for more than volleyball, we are training for life.  In life, there are many ups and downs, challenges, and trials.  Sports are an excellent avenue to train youth in how to live and pursue God in all areas of life.  In order to honor God through a sport, we must hold firm to core values that are not only applicable to volleyball but that are also a part of our Christian value system.  Here is what we emphasize.

Core Values:                 

Integrity:  Integrity is a lifestyle and an all-the-time standard.   It is something we aim to build through honesty in drills, entrusting the girls with responsibilities, and in our interactions with one another.  Coaches and players will keep one another accountable throughout the season and strive to be women of integrity. (Psalm 119:1, Prov. 10:9)

Unity:  God created us each for community.  We have specific gifts, talents, and passions.  God wants us to come together and use them for His glory.  Volleyball is a great way to show what unity in life can look like.  A team functions at its best when each player is fulfilling their particular role to the best of their ability and bringing out the best in others around them.  From Freshmen to Seniors, we are all one team working toward the same goal. (1 Cor. 12, Eph. 4)

Excellence: As a program, we desire to build a pursuit of excellence in all we do.  This shows up in what we do in the offseason, how we practice, how we play (win or lose), and how we conduct ourselves on and off the court.  Our hope is that our athletes will learn and achieve this in volleyball and that it will carry on throughout all areas of their lives.  It’s not all about wins and losses; it’s about playing and living to our highest standard for God’s glory.  (Col. 3:23-24)

Commitment: To achieve excellence, we must have commitment.  We will ask our players to make sacrifices to uphold the commitment that they have made to their team and commit their time as a volleyball player to the Lord.  They will learn how to time manage their commitments, and when they sign up to follow the ACS volleyball expectations, they will be held accountable throughout the entire season.  (Psalm 37:5)

Attitude:  Attitude is everything.  We put a big emphasis on having a winning attitude.  This is an attitude that gives our best at all times, believes and achieves, thinks of others, and an attitude that has pure motivation.  This is an attitude that is like that of Christ Jesus. (Phil. 2:5)

Love: “The greatest of these is love.” (1 Cor. 13:13) We hope that each player will have seen and personally experienced God’s love during their time on our team.  We desire to help our team come together in love, regardless of their differences.  In our community of volleyball, love takes many forms through discipline, grace, accountability, encouraging, by serving, and forgiving.  We will look to Christ’s example as we learn to truly love one another.