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Visual Arts

The Art Department at Aurora Christian School's focus is to discover and refine talents and skills given to us by our Creator as a way of worship and expressing God’s greatness.  Our art students have the opportunity to learn about significant artists and their styles, and learn to create their own artwork in that same style.  Students also apply biblical principles to the works being studied.  They learn to break down famous works of art into the seven elements and principles of art.

Students at ACS have a wide variety of visual arts offerings, from drawing to graphic design! Our drawing, painting, ceramics, photography, and honors art classes are all aligned with the Illinois State Standards, the Priority Learning Targets of the District, and Advanced Placement for the Arts.

Our Goal

Our goal is to Glorify God through the visual representation of our relationship with Jesus Christ while educating from a Christian world view and preparing students for a life of service to Christ and their world in the arts.

God created us in his own image; and one of the most fascinating and awesome gifts is our own ability to create!