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Every day is a learning experience for our students. Students in 6th grade through 8th grade will continue a strong academic education while also gaining the opportunity to explore their interests in art, music, and athletics. Middle School academics also integrate intentional service projects and mission efforts.

Our Resource team provides support to students needing additional help getting through their academic work. Students who are struggling to perform at their grade level will work alongside our resource staff to develop strategies and tools for success.

Resource services provided include:

Academic Support Plan
Read Naturally
Reading Intervention
Individualized Curricular Adaptations and Modifications
Assessment Accommodations
Organization Study Skill Enhancement
Post-School Tutoring.

Apply HERE

Please feel free to contact us at any time with any further questions regarding Cornerstone!  We look forward to meeting with you and sharing how we can join with your family in your educational journey!

Admissions Office or direct at 815-895-8522